Local League
Use this Archive link to see previous leagues and the League Info & Rules link to find out more about the leagues
Below you will find the fixtures for the 2024-2025 Local League season.
Fixtures can be downloaded in pdf format or Excel Spreadsheet. The fixtures have been very difficult to fit together this year and after initially filling the fixtures there has been numerous alterations made. Hopefully all teams play the right teams the right number of times!!
ALL Friday match nights start at 7pm in the Haydn Morris Hall, or in Hall 3. If you are not playing in the first game on, you will be refereeing, so do not let any player turn up late!!
Fixtures are always difficult to fit together, and have been even more so this season, so remember...
The spread of your games over the season may not be even/ideal. But you will have the same number of games as other teams in your league.
You might play one team a few times in a short period of time, and then not much at all for the rest of the season. But you will play each team the right number of times.
There are some dates when you might play 3 times a night, and other nights when you play just once. Look for the * for these nights in the leagues.
For the league, teams earn one point for each set won, and an extra point going to the team who win the match overall.